Thursday, March 15, 2012

Book Review - The Fight of Our Lives - William J Bennett and Seth Leibsohn

The Fight of Our Lives is an eye-opening book on the evolution of American policy toward Radical Islam and Terrorism. It demonstrates how the far left and the liberal media has influenced public opinion since 9/11/2001 from one of outrage to one of blaming ourselves as a country for not being tolerant enough of Islam. From the Fort Hood massacre to the building of a mosque within two blocks of Ground Zero, the liberal media is attempting to condition us to "acceptance." Unless we as Americans resolve to fight Islam, we will surely be defeated by our enemies. Osama Bin Laden may be dead but his radical anti-Christian and anti-American spirit lives on in his followers. This is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the spiritual and cultural battle going on in our country today.

This book was gratuitously provided to me by This review is freely given.